Wednesday, May 25, 2005

How Can Pickles Smell So Bad But Taste Soooo Good?

Hello out there in Bloggerville!
Yes, i'm still alive and functioning as a member of society...and despite the verbal floggings and virtual e-floggings i have received as a result of not having posted in "nae on" fifteen years. I'll do better, sir, I promise.
Where to start, where to....oh yeah!
I SAW U2 IN CONCERT!!!!! And I didn't pee my pants, much to my own as well as Jeffrey's great surprise. But let me just tell you, it was everything I hoped it would be...........and more. oh so much more. Yes, my seats were front-row second tier in a very large indoor arena, but with the view being unobstructed by obnoxious, underage, often hygiene-deficient "pseudo fans" (no one who's under the age of 18 can really be a U2 fan, can they?), and with the use of Dad's awesome binoculars, I could all but see every drop of sweat on The Edge's face. Bono obliged the crowd repeatedly by coming out onto the "elipse" (what i referred to as the catwalk) to run, skip, jump, crawl, and otherwise shake his booty in an impressive display of 44-year-old energy the likes of which you're not likely to find anywhere else. Actually, every member of the band was out on the elipse at one point or another, separately or together...even Adam came out to play a tom there during "Love and Peace or Else". Needless to say, I wish I'd been one of the lucky fans that strained over each other on the floor in an attempt to be sweated on by any or all members of the band. Hmm...doesn't quite sound so "cool" all typed out like that. Anyway. I actually witnessed one girl near the edge of the elipse who pulled off her shirt and proceeded to wave it in a circle around her head as the concert progressed. Quite sad and more than a tiny bit disturbing. May I just say (to make myself feel better and release some of this pent-up jealous resentment) that, much to my annoyance, most of the fans that I saw down on the floor looked like highschool kids. Highschool kids. Agh. Anyway again.
U2 played a lot of their new songs but several of the oldies as well including "Where the Streets Have No Name" and "Pride (In the Name of Love)". Needless to say, i was hoarse after the concert but i couldn't tell because my ears were ringing too much to hear what i sounded like very well. Certain sign of a great concert. So yes, they were awesome,they were AMAZING, they are, hands-down, the best rock band on this planet and I can't wait until december when I get to see them FROM THE FLOOR with my favorite brother in the world, Nathan. There's your plug for this entry Nathan. Oh yeah, and read his blog.
As for the rest of my life at the moment, there's lots to tell, the details of which i promise will follow in subsequent blog posts. and they will keep coming, don't worry. yeah, is cheap.just watch and see! A brief overview in the meantime (I'm at work and can't write too much detail right now 'cause i'm a good employee):
That's right, you read correctly: I have a job. A real one. I'm now the official Secretary of a certain baptist church in a certain college town where a certain university is located that has a certain "fighting camel" as its mascot. You figure it out. I'm trying to protect the church so you don't bombard them with heinous rumors about my character. As if you would do such a thing, right? Anyway, so yeah, i'm meeting all kinds of nice people and learning the ropes around here. It's always so awkward to answer the phone at a new job because, let's be honest, you don't know jack about who needs to talk to who about what and how to answer Mr.X's question. It gets better with time, of course, but right now its tough noogies and i've got a tender scalp.
Oh, i forgot to mention where Jeffrey and I actually went to see U2 which would've been an awesome trip in itself...and again,more details on this topic later. We went to Philadelphia!! I don't care what people say--Philly is beautiful and I'd go back there any day of the week! They're just scared because they've watched the opening sequence of The Fresh Prince and are scared that some big black guys are going to grab them on the b-ball court and shove/spin them back and fourth between each other until they're sufficiently dizzy. I know, it's scary, but i only saw one instance of this while in the city and even that was questionable as I was at least a hundred yards away and i'm pretty sure the kid just lost his lunch money. I stayed with my lovely and hilarious friend Christina, with whom I graduated from South Johnston Highschool in...ahem. No, wait, i'm not that old. It was 1998. She and her boyfriend Albert (not Alfred) were awesome tourguides and the Liberty Bell was everything I hoped it would be. Not so much with the cheesesteaks. Sorry...i'm still an Andy's fan.
Well...I've reached a point where I'm afraid if the phone rings again i'm going to lose my train of thought and possibly even ramble a bit so i'll end here. I'll write again. SOON. I PROMISE!

When in concert, don't pull anyone up on stage with you from the audience or you'll have one deliriously happy person and 9,999 angry fans.


At May 25, 2005 4:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, Christina, Jeffery, Nathan, and even Albert (who you've only met once) have gotten mention in your blogs... where's my five minutes of fame?

At May 25, 2005 4:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the way, the previous comment was left by your best friend of 20 years, who has remained nameless thus far in the blogger world. I'm hurt... sniff...

At May 26, 2005 8:27 AM, Blogger TheSloan said...

After hearing so much and commiting to that ticket, let me just say, Bono and friends best live up to my expectations! YAY FOR YOUR NEW JOB!!!


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