Tuesday, May 31, 2005

La cucaracha is spanish for "the cucaracha". Did I spell that right?

Don't let your feet touch the floor! You don't want bugs in your shoes!

I wish you could see me right now. I'm sitting here in my office at First Baptist Anonymous with my feet alternately folded under me, propped on the edge of my trash can, or (the least comfortable of the three) just held suspended about four inches off the floor below my desk. Let me just tell you, there ain't a whole lot that freaks me out like a roach on the loose. Can't you just see them scuttling across the floor in their evil, darty manner, pausing with their antennae going crazy trying to find what part of your anatomy to crawl on first. You see, i'm not worried about roaches in corners, in cabinets, or in drawers (the wooden/metal ones, not underwear...ew). They can do whatever the heck they want to in there. I just don't want to see them and i SURE as heck don't want them on me. Anywhere. For any length of time. That would be my ultimate Fear Factor and one I'd surely chuck ten thousand bucks for: being submerged in a big ol' tank of cockroaches. Oh geez...I'm getting creeped out just thinking about it.
Hold on a minute....I've got to switch my foot position.
Okay. that's better. And no roaches on my person. Phew.
Oh yeah...I guess I'd better tell you why I'm behaving so strangely (because for once, there's an explanation) and why i've got roaches on the brain today. On my brain?!?!?? Where??? Where??? Get them off!!!! AAaaagh!
Alright, well I was just sitting here, minding my own business (i love stories that start out that way), talking to the Pastor about churchly business when all of a sudden, the pastor spazzes out a bit and says "oh! that's the biggest roach i think I've ever seen here! he's headed your way!" to which i promptly responded by jerking my legs up and into my chair. And I think i might've said "Aaaaaa!" or something equally articulate. I saw a black spot dart across the floor under my desk as i pulled my legs up but as i swiveled back and forth to see where it went, i couldn't find it. it had already gone, which was bad. Why was it bad? because i didn't know where it was and when it would decide to pop out of wherever it was lurking to wave its little antennae at me. Uuuuuugh! I can just picture it now. I snatched my purse up off the floor as quickly as I could while still in my chair, whacking it intermittantly with my hand so as to knock off any dangling cockroaches. The pastor just casually stated that "occasionally, we have a cockroach problem but Terminix usually takes care of it." I guess it's because this church is so frappin old. Built in 1875. Somewhere in Great Britan, a monk is scoffing in amusement.
I was trying to think of anything interesting that might've happened to me over memorial day weekend in an effort to change the subject but, though I think i had a WONDERFUL weekend, sadly, I doubt many people would think it very exciting. Including Jeffrey ;^) Hopefully not though, since I spent at least a part of every day since thursday with him. I just had lots and lots of down time around the house, got to go up and see the house Jeffrey's staying in in Yankeeville this summer, ate some AMAZING food at Bahama Breeze with him and the folks (a hideously obscene amount of food, but oh my goodness. You people gotta get you some Bahama Breeze. Anything on the menu.), and watched a movie or two. Madagascar. Cute, but go see Star Wars instead if you haven't seen it. Which I haven't. But wish I had. It is NOT "this summer's Shrek". Sorry to disappoint you. The giraffe was mildly amusing.
I also got to sing to my heart's content at Coats Baptist for their new contemporary service on sunday morning and even got to play some guitar at practice. It's good to feel the calluses coming back on the fingers.
Well, I'm pretty sure there's something useful I could be doing at work right now so I'm going to go. In the meantime, avoid cockroaches and watch some PBS. That's good television.

Is anybody else feeling itchy?


At May 31, 2005 4:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, wait until the cockroaches are in your telephone crawling in the time-display screen... or in your printer and all squished on your paper when you print... or in your purse and going home with you. Ick. Yeah, I work in a roach infested habitat, too... but when all of Pitt county's recyclable trash is in a huge pile out behind your office, what do you expect. Go home, take a shower, and think happy thoughts!


At June 14, 2005 3:52 PM, Blogger TheSloan said...

whats up with this bogus lack of updates???


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