Friday, September 23, 2005

Chester Copperpot?

Well, dear sweet brother of mine, that was a serious vote. I have to say that when Nathan comments, he does it right (and thoroughly). I also have to let everyone know, though, that a new name has been added to the list of possible names for my new orange kitty and that name, ladies and gentlemen, is:

Benny. Short for Benadryl.

Why, you ask? Because I'm allergic to cats and even though Little Guy hasn't caused a serious reaction because he's an outdoor cat (the asthma only kicks in when i'm stuck inside with one...), I still get a case of the sneezes/itchy nose whenever I'm around him (no offense to him since it's not his fault) and have to go inside and take some form of allergy medication. This medication is usually Claritin, but as i didn't think "Claritin", or any variation of it, would be a decent name for a cat, I considered Benadryl instead. I could be wrong. Let me know what you think.

If you have no idea what i'm talking about or to what cat I'm referring, you obviously don't read my blog on a regular basis so go back and read my last post and that should fill you in. You should feel guilty, by the way. Read my blog EVERY CHANCE YOU GET!!! Alright, alright, given that I don't update it every day....or really even close to every day, I can see where you'd argue and/or get frustrated. But i'm getting better, aren't I? Aren't I? I'm trying here, people!!

Alright, I've got to go get to work but I'd like to give a shout-out to two very cool people who amuse me a great deal and have added considerably to my Life Experience: Yam Cruise and Shay Skipper. I love you guys!

And a shout-out to Jeffrey: I love you too! I hope you kicked serious booty on that chem test this morning ;^)

Chicken Mini's RULE!!!!


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