Tuesday, September 06, 2005

I Am the Walrus....Do I want to be the Walrus?

Everybody survive the weekend???
I did and now I find myself seated back in my office in Cary wearing my pink Chucks and snacking on halloween-colored M&M's from a milk bottle on my desk.

Oh! Random but I wanted to let you know...I've learned about an awesome website this morning called FindShelter.org that serves to connect families victimized by Hurricane Katrina with churches who are willing to adopt/sponsor them. Ken Smith, Craig Tackett, and others from the various branches connected to the Caswell bubble have put this together and its great so check it out and see if your church can get involved.
Back in my Four Oaks bubble this weekend, I have to say that life was pretty good. Other than the absence of my favorite brotha' Nate-nate (Shark bait), I enjoyed spending every minute with my family, whom I love to pieces and who only got on my nerves one good time. I won't elaborate here. It seems that even I (yes, the mind reels) can be a bit difficult to live with at times so I'm just glad that they put up with me. Nothing wrong with me that a little driving and singing/yelling along with the stereo doesn't fix...gas prices and all. We all did a whole lot of not much of anything this weekend. We just hung out around home enjoying this awesome weather and my sister and I took the opportunity to experiment with this "exercise" that we keep hearing about. We hit the pavement for a whopping total of seven miles between sunday and monday and I have to say, I think the road and my feet could be friends. I've just got to get my lungs in on the action and we'll be all set.

My brother-in-law Craig and I have decided, along with my aforementioned brotha', that we are going to start our very own 80's cover-band. Yes, you heard it first here. Yours truely will be rocking out on guitar and backup vocals while Craig kicks it on bass and lead vocals. Nathan, from what I understand, will attempt rhythm on the drums. I'm not saying it'll be pretty but it'll be noise like nothing you've ever heard before. Keep an ear and an eye or two out for dates and locations coming soon to your area. David Bowie, The Human League, and Wang Chung won't know what hit them and I like to hope we will bring a tear to their eyes and leave them with the thought: "Those were the days!". Wish us luck. And talent.

On to bands that actually have a fan base:

I realize that it's only Tuesday and the first day of this week's "work week", but I'm already looking forward to this Saturday when my once again mentioned brotha', his giiiiirlfriend Caroline, my sister Elizabeth, and I will be heading up to Alltel Pavilion to see Coldplay in concert. I'm already so excited I can hardly stand it. Not the kind of excitment the likes of which preceeded U2 in concert, mind you, but great excitement nonetheless. I have every hope of seeing an amazing show and hearing all my favorite Coldplay songs under a rain-free, starry sky. Don't worry...details will follow. Interviews with band members will also be subsequently posted here on this blog. Keep those eyes peeled (the ones not watching for our 80's cover-band show times and locations).

Well folks, I've succeeded in boring myself and must therefore, as the British say, bugger off. As I head to the company kitchen in search of lunch, don't you forget to Wang Chung tonight.


At September 06, 2005 12:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A bridge too far
Egyptians have been living under "emergency" laws for the last 24 years, ever since their President, Hosni Mubarak, came to power.
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