Thursday, September 01, 2005

Have You Had Your Skittles Today?

What is the world coming to?? Hurricane Katrina, devastation out the wazoo, 1000 deaths in Iraq yesterday (from what I hear on the radio), and (least of all, i must say) soaring gas prices have pretty much just made us jolt out of our happy little preoccupied-with-our-own-lives daze and wonder what in the world is going on out there. I have to admit, it's all a little overwhelming when I think about it and when I think about how we're all being affected and made to pay attention. Being someone who believes that God is in control of everything, I have found myself thinking about God in all of this over the past several days and I believe God wants us to do just that: sit up and pay attention, think about our lives, and realize how quickly our circumstances can change. God loves us. He wants nothing more than for us to love Him and to be happy. He also wants us to quit ignoring just how much He IS whether or not we "let" him into our lives. I just want everybody reading this to take a minute (or a few hours) to pray for the victims of Hurricane Katrina. We should also all pray about our own lives as well because, when it all comes down, God is our refuge. No matter what happens out there, He doesn't change. He's not affected. He loves us just as much as ever. He's going to take care of us.

All that being said, I hope you guys all have a great Labor Day weekend. Yes, even though gas is $3.19 a gallon and rising. Though I know not as many of us will be on the road as probably planned to be originally, use the opportunity to re-visit the ways you used to keep yourself amused at home as a kid (pre-driver's license): make your own play-doh. Write a story off the top of your head....or off the top of a desk. Bake cookies!! Write someone a letter. Then actually mail it. Make a tent out of a sheet and a few chairs. Sit under the tent with a friend or hostage sibling and tell ghost stories with a flashlight under your chin. Watch cartoons. Color (yes, i said color...its very therapeudic). Spread a blanket out or just lie in the grass with someone whose company you enjoy and pick out shapes in the clouds. It may sound hippie-dippy to you, but he possibilities are endless and i know you'll have fun. And just like when we were kids, don't worry so much. Just pray and trust that our Father is taking care of everything and we're going to be okay.

When rolling down a steep hill in a tire or a barrel this weekend, watch out for ditches and trees. Ouch.


At September 03, 2005 10:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll be home next week if anyone wants to sit under a tent with me....


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