Thursday, September 22, 2005

Why Aren't All Goldfish "Flavor-Blasted"? Flavor Is Good.

I wish I had some interesting story to tell you or even a sea shanty or two to regale you with but alas....I don't. My life right now is in a big ol' monotonous rut and the most exciting thing i have to inform you of is that I've got a new cat. Well, i didn't "get" him, per se. He just kinda showed up and said "what's for dinner?" I fed him and have consequently been his proud owner ever since. The problem is, what to name him? I know, Caroline and Nathan, there's absolutely nothing wrong with the name "Chester" (especially since i added "Copperpot" to the end), but it's just not sticking so far. He just doesn't look like a Chester, or even a Chester Copperpot. Here are the top three name options i'm going with here (not counting the aftorementioned Chester)....Oh and keep in mind, he's Orange. Here we go:
1. Waffles (my personal favorite so far)
2. Marmalade (mom's vote) OR
3. Mr. Papagiorgio (Jeffrey's vote) (I have to admit, this one makes me laugh)

Okay, this is the part where you guys come in: Help me pick a name by leaving your vote for one of the names shown above in my "comments" section.
Maybe it would help you if I told you a bit about "Little Guy" (that's what he's been called up until now) and his personality. He just showed up at my house about two weeks ago, very skinny and a little skittish but still very friendly. He enjoys Meow Mix and sitting at the back door, staring in for long periods of time or stretching out in a specific corner of the back porch. He doesn't "meow". Instead, what usually issues forth from his mouth sounds more like one of those catbirds (no pun intended)'s more of a short, low, croak than a "meow". When he sees me coming to feed him, he jumps up and slaps both front paws on the glass of the back door, streching them way above his head and then usually sliding off to one side or the other. I can't tell if he's saying "hello" or just stretching. Nevertheless, he's very cute. I have to admit i'm a little afraid of naming him since he's so new because i'm afraid that he'll just disappear one day (plus we live right next to the road so i'm afraid he could get hurt) but i've decided that if he sticks around for a full month, i'll take him to the vet for his shots (etc.) and he'll officially be mine. Hence, the need for a name. So help me out here. Little Guy's identity rests in your keyboard.
Worst case scenario: he stays Little Guy forever.


At September 22, 2005 5:03 PM, Blogger TheSloan said...

First of all, he does look (mostly) like a chester. Secondly, the other names come nowhere near the coolness level of "Chester Copperpot"
An orange cat named Waffles is out. That name would strip him more of his masculinity that what you're going to do to him in a month will.
Secondly Marmalade. Sadly, even more feminine than Waffles. Marmalade is what I would name a slow hound dog with amber fur. A FEMALE one.
And third let's look at Mr. Papagiorgio. Ok, it sounds funny, I'll give you that. But we mustn't underestimate the overus-ed-ness of "Mr." or "Mrs." in pet names. It's just a little played out at this point. He'd be better off as just Papagiorgio, but even that name leaves something to be desired as he shows no foreign flair and very little hint of such humor in his own personality thus far.
He is, (after careful research) an American Standard Breed cat, and thus I think he deserves a name fitting of his culture and of the most accurate persona descriptiveness. Chester Copperpot combines both the down home sense fulness of the name "Chester" with with clever wit of a "Goonies" innuendo. My vote still goes for it.


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