Friday, October 28, 2005

Neese's Liver Pudding: Breakfast of Champions!

Good morning all!

It's been a loooooong week but this weekend (I have high hopes) will rock like....a crazy person. The weekend festivities start tonight with the arrival of Jeffrey, Nathan, and Caroline who are all spending the night at the Sloan casa before we leave at the (as Ken would say) "butt-crack of dawn" to head for Howl-O-Scream at Busch Gardens. I'm so excited I could do something inappropriate, as always before a big trip. One of the best trademarks of a road trip is leaving before the sun comes up. That's a given. You can't head out on a road trip at something like nine o'clock in the morning. The Man is awake by then so if you want to stick it to the Man (and who doesn't?) you leave before he gets and tries to prevent you from doing anything crazy. That makes sense to me anyway. If it doesn't make sense to you, you're normal.
So yes, we're all hanging out tonight and getting up in the (later) wee hours of the morning to hit the road, hopefully, around five thirty. I figure if we shoot for five thirty, we'll be on the road no later than six. That's what I'm thinking anyway. In the meantime, there's been talk of pumpkin carving tonight, baking cookies, and possibly watching a fil-m...but I don't know. That might just be me talking to myself. Howl-O-Scream will probably be packed, considering it's the weekend before Halloween and supposed to be sunny, but hopefully it'll be fun despite being surrounded by gaggles of annoying tourists like ourselves. The whole park is re-vamped (pun intended) to be a gigantic "haunted house" of sorts, complete with clowns in masks, pirate skeletons, and even the occasional creepy carnival worker (but what carnival worker isn't scary?). Plus, hopefully, a whole lot more. If a clown touches me, he/she dies, that's all I've got to say. I'm also hoping that the weekend will include a visit to--my favorite--Colonial Williamsburg. They have a "ghost walk" as well which my family and I have been on before and had fun so with any luck(nagging), I'll talk everyone into going again.

In case any of you were wondering, water polo last weekend was a'ight. I learned a lot, having four games to watch all weekend, and came away with a new pseudo-respect for the game. Those guys have to be tough, I have to say. To tread water and swim and fight to get the ball and score and throw/catch with one hand for an hour would end in certain death for me. For these guys...they're so tough they didn't even seem to notice their near-nude status. Unfortunately, I couldn't help but to notice. No, that's not a good thing.

If you're in the mood on Monday (Halloween, by the way) for harrowing tales of blood-curdling screams, werewolves, and tourists who, despite the cold weather, refuse to abandon their shorts/pulled-up socks/fanny pack ensemble, then check back here and I'll do my best to scare the proverbial poo out of you. Otherwise, check back anyway...I have the ability to scare and bore people alternately.

Have a great weekend people!

By the way....Congratulations!!! to Yam on becoming the uncle of a brand-new, completely adorable baby boy!


At October 28, 2005 5:23 PM, Blogger TheSloan said...

Wee bit of a missprint there Melissa. If my sources (craig) are correct we will be leaving tomorrow at , ironically, 9:00. The reason being that Craig has us hotel rooms for the night due to the fact that the festivities at the park will only get better as night falls and who wants to drive back 4 hours that late at night? By leaving at 9 and eating on the way we should get to the hotel at around 2 and the park starts Howl-O-Scream at 3.

At October 30, 2005 9:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you dear. The pics will be on the website soon. I can't wait to see you. Yam, Melissa, Holly weekend is soon!!! I have the 6th season of Friends!!! I am still considering the Stinky Pizza.....


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