Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Skittles are Overrated.

Well...I guess it's high time I updated my blog, though I'm pretty sure that any of you out there who (used to) check it have long since stumbled elsewhere for entertainment and enlightenment. Yes, I said enlightenment. I've got so much I'm giving it away.

What've I been up to lately? Keeping it real, that's what. Sort of. I've been racking up on "friend time" a lot lately, hanging out at Kulture and watching movies on Wednesday nights and dragging Derrick along for the ride. The picture above was taken last friday night at Kulture as Melissa (striped shirt) and I (hat) celebrated Mary's (red shirt) homecoming from the Navy...before she ships back out again this weekend to VA. There was 80's music and iced vanilla lattes and the throwing of ice cubes....the latter of which got me attacked by one of the bartenders who retaliated by dropping what felt like an entire cooler of ice down the back of my shirt. You'd think that would teach a lesson but nope.

Oh! This past sunday, I drove down to Caswell for the day to hang out with my Yam. We discussed events of the last couple months and just caught up. He made me cry, as usual. In a good way. I'm telling you, you get on that psychotherapeudic couch and it all just comes gushing out of you. I also had the great pleasure of being the only girl on the testosterone-ridden pier, which was crowded with about seven fishing boys. That's right, I said boys. I don't think anybody caught a single thing the entire time I was out there, which was about an hour, though there was much "ooh!"ing and "aah!"ing and false alarms. We did see a ton of dolphins though and I managed to get a mild sunburn. Good times. Ryan Salley is officially off my "to marry" list unless he wins his way back into my good graces. I'm not going to go into it here. Ryan, you know what you did. I saw Downey and Aaron, soon to both be Hinton, which was really cool. Wedding season is upon us and they'll be married by this time next month! Yam ordered pizza and we watched "Happy Feet" before it was time for me to head back home. Now I didn't expect much from the Happy Feet Experience and I braced myself for lots of impatient sighing and eye-rolling, especially seeing how giddy with anticipation Josh Powers was during the previews (lol), but to my very pleasant surprise, I really enjoyed it. In fact, it might just have to make an addition to my illustrious movie collection. Truth be told, by the end of it, my face hurt from smiling and I swear I'd said "aaawwww!" at least two dozen times. That fat little penguin danced his way into my heart in the first five minutes of the movie. I couldn't resist the fuzz and the tapdancing....deadly combo.

So that's what I've been up to recently, along with preparing for Holly-molly's wedding next month. I have a lovely lavender dress to get hemmed and in an effort to be more healthy, I've started a regular workout routine which I've managed to stick to for over a month now. I'm also currently searching for a new church so if you have any suggestions, please feel free to thrash about until you have my attention and then share them. I want to get into a "younger" congregation that has a special place in its heart for those of us between college and the rest of our lives who are just seeking to serve God and make Him the strongest reality in our everyday lives. And also, I'd like to find a Bible study to take part in during the week.

The search for an apartment continues. Tomorrow, I go look at a few here in Cary with my good friend and partner in crime, Melissa (not me in third person). I'll (hopefully) be in grad school at State in the fall and (hopefully) involved with an awesome church by then as well so it'd help matters a bit if I actually lived in the Raleigh/Cary area. So if I find an apartment that floats my boat, I'll be sure to let you know. Otherwise, feel free to send apartment suggestions my way as well.

Peace out. I'm going to go perform an experiment in the quality of work whilst napping.


At May 06, 2007 9:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sorry I made you cry. I don't mean to. Just because I am an emotional basket case.....

Everyone needs Happy feet!

Come down anytime!

At May 06, 2007 2:07 PM, Blogger AbbyLane said...

hmmm yam never made me cry :( lol

ps you look like a rock star in that picture :)


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