Monday, January 08, 2007

Hey, Smell This Body Wash!

Hey Everybody. Or You. Whichever applies.

How's it going? Are we slowly settling comfortably into the soulful groove of 2007? I know I am. It's shaping up to be a lovely year....much more so than last year this time. 2006 was a rough year for Yours Truly. God taught me a lot about myself and even a little about how I relate to others. He showed me that I'm not as tough as I thought I was and that I never, ever need to take for granted that I've got to lean on Him for every single breath I take. I learned that literally, I couldn't get out of bed were it not for His grace. He's an amazing God and I can't not be thankful for the difficult times in life if they bring me even a little bit closer to Him. Along with a ton of other blessings He's given me this year though, I've added a few great new friends and grown closer to a few older ones. I've realized that I had no idea what a wonderful family I have. And God's shown me just how much He loves me through the love He's shown me in the people closest to me. I've tried new things and had some amazing experiences and so I look forward to 2007 with a great big smile on my face.
Hopefully this will be the year that I fly for the first time. I'll visit Philly again (possibly twice) and hopefully spend some time with Val and Christina (Christina's getting married!!). I've got tons of weddings to celebrate: Sarah and Jayson first of all, Holly and Chris (which I'm in...yay!), Rebecca and Gavin, my good friend here at work Monica (who just showed me her ring today!), and then Christina and one of my favorite cousins, Jennifer, are getting married in November...not to each other. I can already tell my face is going to hurt a lot this year...I find myself smiling ridiculously and uncontrollably at weddings. I'm starting (fingers crossed) grad school at State in the Fall and will be tackling a handful of new projects and responsibilities here at work that I'm really, really excited about. I'm planning to move out and into my own place some time this spring (March?), which will bring with it a whole barrage of new challenges and fears and all kinds of cool stuff. I'm convinced that I can pull it off, and might even handle complete independence somewhat convincingly. Whatever comes my way this year, I know God's hand will be in it and it's that knowledge that brings the biggest excitement about 2007. God has a way of pulling the most wonderful surprises out of thin air when we least expect them. Even though I'm convinced that I doubt more than Thomas ever did because I've seen just how weak and undeserving I am, God chooses to love and bless me beyond belief anyway. How wonderful He is!! Just when I think I'm at my lowest and least deserving, He sends someone or something along to show me just how close He is and how much He loves me. I'm finally starting to grasp how awesome He is, despite how tiny and insignificant and weak I am. He's in control! Thank Goodness!! So because of Him and because I know How amazing and loving He never fails to be, I know that 2007 will be a year of blessing and challenge and most of all, growth. And I look forward to seeing all of you in there somewhere!

Yam, we've got to plan another visit some time soon so go ahead and get the popcorn ready! Holly, I can't wait to watch you get married from one of the best seats in the house! Rebecca and Jennifer, being your family is one of the biggest blessings I have and I can't wait to give embarassing toasts at your rehearsal dinners! Melissa....well, you'll be right across the hall every day so I'm sorry but you'll get the play-by-play of pretty much everything. Valerie...same goes for you, though you get a break via email! Derrick, you have lots of venting dinners to look forward to, I hate to tell you. I love you all and everybody else out there reading this...God loves you! And I think you're okay. :)

Happy 2007 Everybody!!!

Has anybody else ever experienced the terror of a blackout in Target at 6pm??


At January 19, 2007 9:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm really looking forward to 2007 after reading that! Thanks for being such a great friend this past year, and every year prior. You're awesome, and I love you bunches! :)

At January 19, 2007 10:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, guess it would have been good to sign that last comment - I'm such an idiot sometimes.



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