Thursday, October 19, 2006

Me & Yam

Me & Yam
Originally uploaded by sloanwrite.
A Proud Yam's Girl since 1992

This Saturday, one of my best friends in the whole wide world is turning the big 4-0. Yam Cruise. Less widely known as "Kevin". When you say "Kevin" you have to use finger quotes. It's a rule.
Story time.
I met the Yammer for the first time when I was twelve years old and he was...well, my age now, 26 (how cool is that, Yam?). He was, and is, a "Caswell Phenomenon" and everybody knows who he is. I remember seeing him do some silly skit on stage in Hatch and laughing my head off. Little did i know, my youth minister, Marcy (then) Shavendar, knew him personally. So I got to meet the big celebrity that is Yam. I was, needless to say, thrilled. Not only did I get to meet him, but I challenged him to a game of putt-putt on the then brand-new course right there on campus, in front of the gym. Long story short because I want to spare Yam as much humiliation as possible....I won. I WON!! Me: Winner. Yam: Loser. He therefore had to buy me the coveted "victor's Mt. Dew" at the R & R. That's right Yam, I said R & R. Which it still is to this day (it's open for tours...check with guest services for times and your complimentary commemorative button).
Flash forward nine years. I begin my first summer as a staffer at Caswell in the Year of Our Lord 2001. It was a beautiful May afternoon as i recall...
Anyway, we staffers were getting ready for a frantic game of Capture the Flag that night in an effort to force the staff to get to know one another when I was approached by none other than the Yam himself. He wanted to introduce himself to me and a small handful of other staffers who were standing around trying to avoid the commencement of activities while still looking cool. Sticking out one hand he said, "Hi, my name's Kevin." To which I replied, "I know who you are, Yam. I beat you in putt-putt when I was twelve years old." He scoffed in disbelief. It wasn't until after I relayed the details of that fateful day in '92 (and he insisted on calling my youth minister) that he believed me. The clincher was when I told him that he had to buy me a Mt. Dew at the R & R. He could then deny it no longer because any time he played back then, it was always for a Mt. Dew. Presented with another opportunity to revel in my past victory, I did so with enthusiasm and continue to to this day. I refuse a rematch. Yes, refuse.
Yam, you're not gonna get a rematch. I win. You lose. It's gone down in history and it's staying that way.
Anyway, ever since that day, my first day as a Caswell staffer, Yam and I have been close friends and I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world. He's an amazing friend, a VERY patient listener, and makes the best darn white-chocolate-covered peanut butter crackers you'll ever have in your entire life. EVER. I can't wait to go down to Caswell and see him on Saturday when the party of the century, Yammapalooza '06, will commence and I'll be there to share such a momentous occasion. We're gonna party like it's 1999, people. And don't worry, I'll have pictures.
So to Yam I say, I love you like a crazy person, Happy 40th birthday, and I'll see you on Saturday!!!
Peace in the middle east, I'm out.


At October 20, 2006 12:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

With a tear in my eye, I say.....

I DEMAND A REMATCH!! That is what I want for my birthday. :-)

I love you MORE!



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