Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Do Turkeys Molt?

Happy Thoughts/Things I'm Thankful For:

1. Valerie is my friend. (Okay, I have one or two others. No more names or I'll leave someone out and they'll get ticked. I love *you all*! (Insert your name here.)

2. Jeffrey’s mowing grass and I’m not.

3. I’m going to see U2 again in LESS THAN A MONTH!

4. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving.

5. I have a big Styrofoam cup of sweet tea on my desk.

6. Nathan has mono, but he's home so I get to see him anyway. I just won't touch and/or eat after him or use his toothbrush. Hopefully that goes without saying in all circumstances though. Oh, and the rest of my family rocks and i get to see them as well.

7. Valerie writes me emails that keep me entertained at work (so she gets not one, but TWO mentions here). She works with crazy people and I work by myself. Wait. That might be the same thing.

8. I have a nice new winter coat that could be called “puffy”.

9. I can pay my bills all by myself.

10. I have not only a puppy, but a kitty as well that I can squeeze the poo out of (figuratively speaking) whenever I want.

11. Warm showers ROCK when it’s cold outside.

12. I get to eat my Aunt Kay’s barbeque cocktail weenies tomorrow (she brings them to every holiday meal)!

That's only twelve things so of course, there are tons more that I haven't the time or patience to include here. All I know and all I want you to know is that I'm blessed, I'm thankful for that, and God is good.

Happy Thanksgiving, y'all.


At November 29, 2005 7:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am thankful for you.

At December 05, 2005 12:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm thankful that I made the list twice! And that we've been friends for, like, ever. Well, not really forever, but close enough - 21 years and counting.


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