Monday, May 08, 2006

How Do You Spell "Weimaraner"??

Because I have been taunted by my brother and various other friends and because I'm tired of seeing "Screw You Hippies" whenever I open my blog, I've decided to update. I have to admit that blogging has been the last thing on my mind over the past four months or so so updates have been sparse to say the least, but because God is so good, things are calming down and working themselves out once more and as a I am.

I just had the best weekend at Caswell with Yam, Holly, Aaron, and other friends. I honestly almost didn't go because it's been a really tough week, but God used this trip to teach me a thing or two and to show me just how much He's blessed me. He blesses us when we're not even paying attention!!

I went down Saturday morning and made it there in record time (two hours...kidding, Mom. ahem.). Its funny how I forget (or don't realize) just how much I miss Caswell and my friends there until I get there and see and smell and hear and laugh....and eat oreo ice cream bars. with a stick. I had cheese sticks at Famous, made the unavoidable trip to Walmart, and spent a couple of hours talking Yam and Holly's ears off on Yam's psychotherapeudic couch (also good for naps). I watched way too many episodes of Friends and ate cookies and poptarts out the proverbial "wazoo". Yam made cookies the likes of which would shame the Keebler elves and I taught Aaron a lesson (or four) about why he should guard his inner arm with everything he's got once I resort to pinching. Stephen Jeffcoat, I am happy to say, has joined the ranks of the "stinky pizza" advocates (Domino's vegetarian, no cheese, extra sauce) and "Pa" is that much closer to being the trophy husband in a deal I made with his dad five years ago. I had such a good weekend overall that I even got some Provision Company shrimp thrown in for good measure (de-vein 'em yourself though).
So in a nutshell, I realized what good friends I've been given who are more than willing to be there through the crappy as well as the funny and who are really great about putting things into perspective for me. No matter how long you're gone, what's going on in your life, how awful you are about calling when you should, God doesn't go anywhere and to illustrate that, he gives you friends who love you like He does. So thanks for the hugs, the bruises, and the cookies this weekend everybody. My muscles are sore and I'm somewhat sleep deprived but I love you like Tim loves patchouli. It's a joke, Tim. I do love you guys though.

On a different note, i'd like to take this opportunity of publicly congratulating two of my peeps on two different events. First of all, congratulations to Holly for becoming engaged to her knight in shining....uh...fireman's getup. She and Chris will be getting married next spring and I am so excited for them both! As a bridesmaid, I'm seriously considering giving them the traditional gift of a bagpiper at the wedding.

Second, and maybe just a bit anti-climactic, congrats to Nathan for being published on the world's spookiest He wrote up a story about Bentonville Battleground (called "Soldier's Campsite") that, once you get through two pages of historical documentation, is quite creepy indeed. Hopefully, Nate, fourteen-year-olds everywhere will be sleeping with the lights on and it'll be all your fault.

As I've said before and will say again: Everybody have fun tonight. No, better yet, everybody Wang Chung tonight.
Cheesy, but sometimes you just feel cheesy.


At May 08, 2006 5:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love you too.



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