Thursday, February 02, 2006

What The...?

Hola. No, not "hollah"..."Hola". As in Spanish.

I'm sure you'll all be excited to the point of uncontrollable urination to find out that I am well on my way back to health and I'm off the Afrin. If you're surprised that I'm not already completely well by this time, I feel your pain (plus some lingering congestion). I thought i would've been completely back to normal by now as well but unfortunately, due to one particular doctor's stubborn refusal to prescribe medicine unless death is emminent, I've not had the necessary medication for the severe sinus infection that i've had for nigh on a month now. I finally got fed up last week and went to see another doctor at the same office last friday and he diagnosed me, wrote me no less than three prescriptions and sent me to sign out with an armful of samples. I love this guy. So, almost a week later, I'm feeling much better and almost, almost back to normal. Act like you care. :^P

What else is going on with me? Not a whole daggone lot, surprise, surprise. I'm just working and hanging out, hanging out and working--sometimes both at the same time. Valerie keeps me entertained with emails at work and my new friend at work, Melissa (yes an actual person, I'm not referring to myself), has become my lunch buddy several days a week. This is a nice change from the days of going by to pick up takeout or eating fast food. It's also nice to have someone at work to vent to. We trade off. It's entertaining. If you don't have someone to vent to at work, designate one and beat them into submission.
Oh... and I've experienced the joy that is organic soy. Yes, i'm going to tell you about it. Actually, the whole joy was my first visit to Whole Foods a couple weeks ago with Craig and Elizabeth. I'd never been before and let me just say, that place rocks the good food. I don't even like pimento cheese yet found myself sampling it homemade with a smile on my face instead of the usual grimace, spitting, and frantic swiping at my tongue with a napkin. I've also so far tried vanilla soy milk, red pepper hummus, falafel, and greek yogurt (an interesting cross between the flavor of sour cream and the texture of softened cream cheese). That last one will have to grow on me. So i'll just say that if you have a Whole Foods near you and you've never been, go. The food is great and they have the prettiest, most colorful flowers you'll find anywhere. Gush, gush, gush...

Other than that, i've just been watching movies and Friends/King of Queens reruns, playing with Bandit, reading lots of books/magazines, and walking/hanging out with the fam. January/February are just not exciting months, i've decided. In fact, they're downright depressing. Unless you have lots of daily activities to keep you busy and entertained, its easy to find yourself slipping into a funk. Don't do it! Surround yourself with lots of friends and family, even if they get on your nerves, bake cookies, go for a jog, cook something interesting for dinner, play with your pets...anything to fend off the funk. It's some scary stuff. And remember, spring is on the way!'s now time for me to get on with the rest of my day which means bidding you sucka's goodbye (and much love) for now. Work and a trip to Merchant's Tire and Auto on my lunch break await me. The excitement is too much.

If you're happy and you know a comment!!!! Seriously!!

And Yam, you can't just quote Jeffrey anymore, you have to leave an original comment. Or i'll write and post an "Ode to Yam" poem. I might do that anyway though, just to warn you.


At February 02, 2006 10:50 AM, Blogger TheSloan said...

I am the first to post a comment on your amazingly rarely updated blog! I am the coolest! If you came here by mistake (you did) then go look at the cool blog, and you'll be happy! I just updated ...glad you feel better Melissa...

At February 02, 2006 2:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just when you think you don't have a life... you see that compared to Nathan, maybe you do.........

At February 02, 2006 10:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am just glad that you have acknowledged me. :-)

I love you and I am glad you are better. When is the next visit?

At February 06, 2006 7:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm happy and I know it... thus the comment.

I'm also extremely jealous that you work so close to a Whole Foods - that sucks! Not for you, but for me.

Anyway, happy Monday! I love you!



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