Monday, May 15, 2006

Starting Another Week With a Hangover and a Sweet Tea

Okay, just kidding about the hangover part. But not the sweet tea. I don't joke about tea.

Hopefully everyone out there had a lovely weekend. Mine started out with a flinch and a wheeze on friday night when Melissa (a friend of mine from work) and I headed out to the Lincoln Theater in downtown Raleigh to behold the spectacle that is the Breakfast Club...a popular 80's cover band in which the lead singer wears a kilt. It couldn't be anything but "awesome", right? Well....sorta. The doors opened at nine and we got there fashionably late at 9:45 (downtown has an obscenely frustrating number of one-way streets) only to find that the place was relatively empty, hosting about 50 folks so far, 45 of which were girls in halter tops nursing beers. Already i was fitting in with my pink chucks and comparitively conservative bright green henley. Melissa and I found an elbow-free area near one side of the room and proceeded to watch the magical scene unfold: more halter-clad, beer clutching girls streamed in in hand-holding chains, dancing to whatever music was being piped in before the show actually started. The "opener" was one guy with big hair and a keyboard who was pretty decent but whose songs all sounded pretty much the same. He jabbed away at the keyboard while rocking his stool in a way that was reminiscent of Chris Martin of Coldplay but that made me quite a bit more uncomfortable. This went on for over an hour. It was eleven before the Breakfast Club came on and though they rocked the 80's pretty darn hard, I found myself seriously wishing for a pair of earplugs (currently sitting safely in my glove compartment back in Cary). They were so loud that I coudn't understand much of what they were saying between songs...I'd just catch multiple variations of the "f-word" followed by drunken, though enthusiastic, cheering. On three separate occasions, i was approached by an intoxicated gentleman with the same question: "Why aren't you dancing?" (leaning way too far into my personal space and swaying just a bit). This served as a reminder that being surrounded by drunk folks just ain't fun if you're not one of them. Melissa and I headed home around 1 am, about 35 minutes into a "break between sets".

Saturday, the fam and I met my brother's girlfriend, Caroline, and her Dad for lunch at Southpoint mall in Durham and had some always delicious pizza from California Pizza Kitchen. Then we joined the crowds of frantic shoppers, looking for just the right gift for Mom. I spent way too long in the "elastic pants" section of Belk looking for "Grandma" presents in a sea of grandmas before Mom and I found a cute gift and we could catch up with Dad and Nathan and leave.

Yesterday was an afternoon of Sloan Family Fun in good ol' Mamers, NC. There were hamburgers, hotdogs, and sentimental, flowery cards out the wazoo. A good time was had by all...until all heck broke loose and thunderstorms chased us all back home where they pelted us with rain and spiteful darts of lightning.

So now this morning finds me at my desk eating Teddy Grahams and swigging tea while typing away at my manual intermittantly (when i'm not updating my blog and checking MySpace for emails....thanks again Yam and Aaron for sucking me into this black hole of social "comment" tag).

Leave me a comment and tell me how much you love me!


At May 16, 2006 8:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I left you a comment, so where's mine, punk?

Val :)


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