Monday, July 30, 2007

Roommate Wanted

The time has come. Time for me to get serious about moving out. late September/early October, most likely. "You weren't out already?", some of you may ask. To which I respond with a very heart-felt and elaborate...."No."
I've been living at home and enjoying the comfort and safety of doing so for the past 27 years. Yes, 27. But over the past several months, I've come to realize that I can do this...I can, I CAN move out. Yes, I can. Yes I can, yes i can, yes i can. Infinity. I have this argument with myself sometimes but I always win. I've gone and looked at one or two places already and later this week, I'm planning to head back to look a little more closely to the first one I'd set my sights on and maybe, just maybe, fill out an application and pay my fifty-dollar application fee. From the looks of things, I'll be applying for a 1-bedroom in a lovely, pet-friendly neighborhood, across the street from a still lovelier neighborhood in Cary where I can feel relatively safe running or going for a walk...with pepper spray, of course. But what I'd really, really like, before making a decision, is to find a roommate. This is where any stray eyes reading this could come in handy. Does anyone out there know of some nice, honest, friendly, Christian, church-going, workout-motivated young lady who might be looking for a roommate/apartment in the Cary area? I'd love to have someone to go running or to the gym with and on whom I could blame the occasional nocturnal bumps and other noises i can't explain. I scare easy at night. If you think you know (or are) such a young woman, please let me know. I'll try not to frighten you with my excitement over the prospect of someone to live with. :) No, Tommy or Michael, you can't apply.

In other news, I have a large blister on my left heel and it hurts. A lot. I went to the first aid kit in the breakroom here at the office earlier to get a band-aid for it and was teased with such phrases as "Awww...did 'u get a widdle paper-cut on 'ur widdle finger?" by one of the lovely gentlemen I work with. My coworkers eat this kind of thing up...I don't know why. I acquired the aforementioned blister by wearing the most worn-out pair of trainers this side of the mississippi. Slight exaggeration. I'm sure Forrest Gump has a pair that would put mine to shame. Before you tell me to "quit yer whinin'", I'd like to assure you that I will be remedying the problem shortly by purchasing a new pair of running shoes....always a fun experience for yours truly. It goes something like this: Wander in shoe store, wander some more....look confused....look at your feet and look still more confused....pick up random pair of "pretty" shoes...put pretty shoes back because that's not how you buy athletic shoes...contemplate your foot's "pronation"...furrow brow....ask salesperson (whom you have to track down because they're apparently smoking up in the back or flirting with highschoolers near the front door) for a pair in your approximate size....try said shoes on and bounce around the store with an awkward stride that's nothing like your usual walking/jogging/running gait. I hate shopping for athletic shoes. You know what I might do? I might just order them online. Would that be an absolutely hideous idea? Or would you admire my forward-thinking? Don't answer that.

Yam, if you're out there, I'd just like to take this opportunity to say thanks again for a fabulous Caswell weekend last weekend (okay, weekend before last) AND a thrilling round of golf. My golf skills need serious honing but it was fun to play anyway. Jenna, Courtney, Kristin, Tiffany, Joy, Rob, Downey, Nathan, Jay, Amanda, David, Joey, Abby, and anybody else I hung out with for those three days...I had so much fun!! I hope you're all behaving and looking out for Gus, the PX snake. Don't hurt him if you see him! He's only about six inches long and quite non-confrontational.

Well...lunch is almost over so back to work I go. Thanks for reading!


At August 15, 2007 5:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, I just now saw the blog. Yeah, I know I am slow. That weekend was awesome. You were a big part of that. I love you more!

Hope you find that roommate!


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