Kicking Butt and Taking Names
So I joined a gym.
If you've checked my Facebook page at all in the past couple of months, you'll know what I mean when I say I've been engaged in a battle to the death with Inertia. Inertia sucks. But it's kicking my butt. So in an effort to try to turn the tables unexpectedly and get one over on Inertia when its guard is down, I took action yesterday and joined a gym. I've been saying for almost a month now that I needed to do SOMEthing to get my butt moving again. When I moved out of my apartment the first of this month, I gave up my 24-hour, right-downstairs access to the gym in my building. While I won't miss the dude who'd show up occasionally to intrude upon my workouts with weightlifting grunts and groans that made me more than a bit uncomfortable, I have missed having a gym that I can just hop over to without even getting in my car. Given, Four Oaks Fitness isn't in my house, but it is only three blocks away and the walk will just add to my exercise and the amount of self-righteousness I'll inevitably feel after every workout.
The plan is to work out every morning during the work week (that's five whole days a week!) and then whenever I feel up to it over the weekend. Now it's your job, if you are in fact out there reading this ANYONE, to keep me accountable to this plan. And I guess if nobody is out there reading this other than my wonderful boyfriend (Hey sweetie!) then I won't know it without a doubt and I'll pretend you're there anyway and effectively hold myself accountable because for all I know, you COULD be out there and thinking what a wuss I am. As I can't have anyone, pretend or otherwise, thinking I'm a wuss, I'm hoping that I'll stick with it.
Also, I only signed on for a month to see how I do so I won't potentially blow a lot of money on a 6-month membership I'll wind up not using.
But don't think this is giving Inertia a leg-up, however. I just know me and while I've kicked my own booty in the gym before, I can't guarantee that I'll do it again. I'm just giving myself the opportunity and hoping against hope that I'm stubborn enough to stay with it.
So take that, Inertia! The battle continues in the Land of Unemployment and hopefully I'll be victorious. I'm becoming more determined than ever, with Jordan's encouragement (Hey again sweetie! Feel better!), to triumph over the list of goals I made for 2009 in a previous blog post...despite being depressingly unemployed. I'm open to suggestions though so if you're out there and you have any surprise tactics under your belt, leave me a comment.
Or just leave me a comment anyway. Comments make me happy.
Hello Love. Very happy to see the blog posts rolling in again.
- j.
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