Thursday, June 04, 2009

The Road To Happiness Starts With Fiber.

Thanks for the comments, people.  Seriously.  They've been overwhelming.  I've actually had to hire an assistant named Chandler to read and filter through all the responses for me. Since I'm so busy and all.  
Too bad all that is a LIE!
Still no job, still fighting inertia, still hearing discouraging news from the public at large about the state of the economy and the likelihood of employment, and no one appears to be reading my blog...but you know what? I'm a pretty happy chick.  I've got a lot to be thankful for so I've devoted my last blog post to whining about my unemployed state.  That isn't to say that I won't ever mention it, dear (solitary) reader, are not that lucky because it is, after all, my job to be unemployed and searching for employment now.  
Inertia took a swift kick in the junk this week as I've been to the gym every day so far this week AND my talented boyfriend took a swing at my resume and completely revamped the thing so it looks great.  You need shiny bait to catch a big, honkin' fish, right?  
As for writing, I'm getting little shards of ideas floating in every day now but the problem has become how to form a shard into a full idea and then write about it.  I mean, how can you write an entire story, no examples are coming to mind right this second.  See?  See how hard it is?? know what I mean.  I've always been better at the creative nonfiction than the scarier, full-commitment-requiring Fiction, because that's what I'm used to, but if I could just let go of all the insecurity and write like I did when I was growing up (when literally anything could be possible, as far as my imagination was concerned), I could at least have a lot of fun, if not anything good to show for it.  As grown-ups, we put too much pressure on ourselves to be "good" and "valid" and to "have a point" when really, if you're doing something for the pure joy of it, who gives a crap if it's any of that stuff to anybody else? Blegh, adult validity is boring.  This blog is my baby-step toward abandoning those hang-ups and writing just because I enjoy it.  Having a a point, being good and/or valid are all optional, as anyone reading my blog EVER at any point along the way will acknowledge.

You know what I've caught up on a lot since becoming unemployed?  Daytime television commercials.  Usually during the show, I'm reading or typing or surfing the Internet and just listening to Dr. Phil drone on in the background, but for some reason, I usually end up breaking whatever I'm doing in time to catch the commercials.  I'm backwards like that.  Drug companies, law firms, and low-budget ads for local automotive businesses get a LOT of air time during the day.  I can now give you the names of several recommended drugs for depression, allergies, and erectile dysfunction, point you to the website of a handful of law firms that can handle your workman's comp/disability claims with the scary, mob-like depictions of the insurance companies, and give you the number of a couple of shops that can repair or replace your windshield "for free" if you have car insurance (they pick up the deductible).  Need an electric wheelchair?  Call the Scooter Store.  Your kids not getting enough electrolytes (and really, who is)?? I can give you a few suggestions there as well.  Want to know how what product can give you enough fiber and probiotics to have you visiting the bathroom on a regular basis?  Curious as to what law firm would advertise in a cowboy hat against a background of a picture of New York City?  I've got the low-down.  I am now a veritable well of useful recommendations and information for the elderly, stay at home moms, and the injured, unable to work, and bitter.  Hmm...think I should put that on my resume?  Or just apply to ITT Tech to launch my career in the Information Technology field making a salary in the high five-figures?  Sigh.  We could use some new entertainment.

Well...I'm off to fight Inertia for another day and find alternate routes to productivity.  And as usual, interested or not, I'll keep you posted.


At June 04, 2009 1:24 PM, Anonymous Craig said...

If only there was a big market for zombie fiction novels, I could hook you up with like, 50 story ideas, including one with pirates, ninjas, and patagonian toothfish.

Wait, I just remembered, you don't have zombie survival skills so your story would be short:

There was a zombie outbreak, and I got turned. THE END

At June 04, 2009 11:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ooooooh! BURN!

- j.

At June 05, 2009 8:14 AM, Blogger TheSloan said...

Binder&Binder OHHHHH YEEEES!

P.S. Turn the TV off.

At June 09, 2009 6:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

High 5 figures, PUUUhlease! :-) I.T. jobs pay bunk unless you get very lucky and have a boss that understands what you do and what you are worth. 90% of IT workers get stuck in jack-of-all-trade jobs where you don't get the benefit of having a specialized skill that demands more pay (or that your boss will recognize) and you don't manage others so you end up taking orders from some knuckle dragging troglodyte. Who's sole responsibility, by the way, seems to be making your job 5x harder than it needs to be.

Glad to see you are writing... keep it up Sloan.

At June 12, 2009 1:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you smell like toenails

At June 15, 2009 12:08 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

Hey! If you're cool enough (except whoever left that last comment) to leave a comment, at least tell me who you are!


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