Thursday, September 29, 2005

"Would You Like to Save 10% On Your Purchases Today By--Ouch!"

Credit cards are the devil. That's all I've got to say.


Okay, not quite. I just want to make sure that all you gullible, lazy, stuff-hungry, shopaholics out there know what the true evils of having a credit card are.

First of all, one of two things will happen (this is how they reel you in and slam you, thrashing and flopping all over the place, onto the deck of the Debt Ship.
1. You receive a piece of mail exclaiming, "YOU'VE BEEN PRE-APPROVED" or "PLEASE DO NOT DISCARD!!" on the front, open it, and realize that it's a credit card offer. Pretty soon, you're filling out the form thinking "Well, it'd be good to have for emergencies and I need to build up my credit. Why not?"
2. You receive a phone call where a soothing voice greets you with, "Hi, Mr. or Miss Fill-in-the-Blank. How are you? Great, you've been pre-approved for a ____ card and I wanted to make sure that the information I have is correct..." How they got this information, you won't know, but before you realize it, you're correcting their information and giving them your mother's maiden name before hanging up with a dazed look on your face and a slight feeling of panic in your gut. But then you tell yourself "Well, it'd be good to have one for emergencies and I need to build up my credit. Why not?"

It's all downhill from there.

Next thing you know, you're filling up at the pump without a care in the world, swiping your card with a sense of glee and excitement and a tiny bit of rebeliousness mixed in....but not enough to make you uncomfortable. Yet.
Eventually, you'll be walking through the mall thinking to yourself, "You know what? It's been a long time since I've bought any slacks. I could use some slacks. I think I'll go buy myself some slacks. Too bad I'm broke. It wouldn't hurt to put the slacks on my card would it? Nah. I really need them and besides, I'll pay the card off as soon as the bill comes in." Four hours later, you're exiting the mall and slouching toward your vehicle through a dimly lit parking lot, the weight of your numerous bags causing the handles to cut the circulation off from your arms, leaving deep red ruts in your skin. You try not to think about the stock you just bought in Suncoast or the fact that you haven't got enough face to wear all that expensive makeup that's sitting in the light-green Clinique bag on your back seat.
I haven't even touched on Internet temptation. Let me do so now, shall I?
One tuesday afternoon, you log onto the internet with the innocent intention of checking your email. Nothing tempting there, right? Well, in your inbox, nestled sweetly between an offer for discounts on Viagra and a forward from your buddy in Charlotte, these words sing out to you beseechingly: "Get FREE SHIPPING On Your Next Order from!!"
"Wow," you think. "That's a deal! Shipping can be, like, ten bucks or something, can't it? I'd better check this out!"
Before you know it, you're pointing and clicking away, a ravenous expression on your face and your Platinum Visa with the $2000 limit in your hot little hand. You click the words "My Shopping Bag" and then "Continue to Checkout" with a maniacal smile, and you find you're annoyed that your card has so many numbers on it because it takes too darn long to punch in. Finally, with sweat on your brow, you click "Submit" and lean back in your chair with a sigh, closing your eyes momentarily before snapping out of it with a start. You just spent three hundred bucks without a second thought!! But "Hey," you tell yourself, "At least I saved $12 on shipping!"

These, my friends, are just a small handful of the trials and tribulations that you could find yourself launched into face-first if you fall victim to the lure of the evil Credit Card. You use it because it's quick, easy, and painless at the time of purchase but when you get that bill at the end of the month, a deep sense of panic and foreboding swells up in the pit of your stomach and it consumes your thoughts. You think, "Why?? Why did I fall for it?? I didn't even LIKE those four skirts I bought at RAVE! I'd never even been in RAVE before!!!! What IS RAVE????" You'll wring your hands and dread that due date printed so innocently on your bill, smiling up at you until it passes, at which time the smile will turn into a demonic sneer that will haunt your very dreams and rob you of sleep and eventually, your sanity!!!......

I guess what I'm getting at is that if you can avoid them at all, don't get a credit card. And if you're heck-bent on getting one to "build up your credit", set a very low limit for your own sake, say, around $300. Plus, you'll never need more than $300 in gas either, right??

I've only got your best interest at heart. Remember that.

And also remember: If your office rest room doesn't have an attendant, maybe you should step up to the plate.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Chester Copperpot?

Well, dear sweet brother of mine, that was a serious vote. I have to say that when Nathan comments, he does it right (and thoroughly). I also have to let everyone know, though, that a new name has been added to the list of possible names for my new orange kitty and that name, ladies and gentlemen, is:

Benny. Short for Benadryl.

Why, you ask? Because I'm allergic to cats and even though Little Guy hasn't caused a serious reaction because he's an outdoor cat (the asthma only kicks in when i'm stuck inside with one...), I still get a case of the sneezes/itchy nose whenever I'm around him (no offense to him since it's not his fault) and have to go inside and take some form of allergy medication. This medication is usually Claritin, but as i didn't think "Claritin", or any variation of it, would be a decent name for a cat, I considered Benadryl instead. I could be wrong. Let me know what you think.

If you have no idea what i'm talking about or to what cat I'm referring, you obviously don't read my blog on a regular basis so go back and read my last post and that should fill you in. You should feel guilty, by the way. Read my blog EVERY CHANCE YOU GET!!! Alright, alright, given that I don't update it every day....or really even close to every day, I can see where you'd argue and/or get frustrated. But i'm getting better, aren't I? Aren't I? I'm trying here, people!!

Alright, I've got to go get to work but I'd like to give a shout-out to two very cool people who amuse me a great deal and have added considerably to my Life Experience: Yam Cruise and Shay Skipper. I love you guys!

And a shout-out to Jeffrey: I love you too! I hope you kicked serious booty on that chem test this morning ;^)

Chicken Mini's RULE!!!!

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Why Aren't All Goldfish "Flavor-Blasted"? Flavor Is Good.

I wish I had some interesting story to tell you or even a sea shanty or two to regale you with but alas....I don't. My life right now is in a big ol' monotonous rut and the most exciting thing i have to inform you of is that I've got a new cat. Well, i didn't "get" him, per se. He just kinda showed up and said "what's for dinner?" I fed him and have consequently been his proud owner ever since. The problem is, what to name him? I know, Caroline and Nathan, there's absolutely nothing wrong with the name "Chester" (especially since i added "Copperpot" to the end), but it's just not sticking so far. He just doesn't look like a Chester, or even a Chester Copperpot. Here are the top three name options i'm going with here (not counting the aftorementioned Chester)....Oh and keep in mind, he's Orange. Here we go:
1. Waffles (my personal favorite so far)
2. Marmalade (mom's vote) OR
3. Mr. Papagiorgio (Jeffrey's vote) (I have to admit, this one makes me laugh)

Okay, this is the part where you guys come in: Help me pick a name by leaving your vote for one of the names shown above in my "comments" section.
Maybe it would help you if I told you a bit about "Little Guy" (that's what he's been called up until now) and his personality. He just showed up at my house about two weeks ago, very skinny and a little skittish but still very friendly. He enjoys Meow Mix and sitting at the back door, staring in for long periods of time or stretching out in a specific corner of the back porch. He doesn't "meow". Instead, what usually issues forth from his mouth sounds more like one of those catbirds (no pun intended)'s more of a short, low, croak than a "meow". When he sees me coming to feed him, he jumps up and slaps both front paws on the glass of the back door, streching them way above his head and then usually sliding off to one side or the other. I can't tell if he's saying "hello" or just stretching. Nevertheless, he's very cute. I have to admit i'm a little afraid of naming him since he's so new because i'm afraid that he'll just disappear one day (plus we live right next to the road so i'm afraid he could get hurt) but i've decided that if he sticks around for a full month, i'll take him to the vet for his shots (etc.) and he'll officially be mine. Hence, the need for a name. So help me out here. Little Guy's identity rests in your keyboard.
Worst case scenario: he stays Little Guy forever.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Avast, me hardies!

Arrrgggh! This just in, fresh off the poopdeck:
It's "International Talk Like A Pirate Day"! so have at it, mateys!

Monday, September 12, 2005

Check Out My Wind-up Lederhosen

Well, ladies and gentlemen,Coldplay was amazing in concert. The whole thing was absolutely perfect. Well...except for the opening band but that's another story for another day...or later in this post. i haven't decided yet. Let's start with the weather: it was in the mid-seventies when we got there but as the sun set, it dropped into the sixties with not a cloud in the sky. After a bit of a shock from the general admission line to get in (it snaked around at least three hundred yards), we were relieved to discover that we could get in at the much less crowded Premier Parking entrance. Once the gates opened ten minutes or so after we arrived, we were in within three minutes. Next on the agenda was to buy a $35 t-shirt and find seats on the lawn. Good ones. Not a difficult feat if you weren't planning to drink alcoholic beverages or smoke. Not that people didn't try...they just got beat down by the "fan safety" security team lady who seemed to get a rise out of warning people off of her patch of grass if they so much as looked like they'd enjoy a beer or a cigarette.
We found a great spot right at the base of the lawn with a decent view of the stage (it was still the lawn) and proceeded to hang out for the next three hours. I was a bit disappointed that though the concert started at seven, the opener didn't start until seven-thirty and Coldplay didn't come on until close to nine. But when they did, boy howdy. It wasn't U2 in concert but it was pretty darn close. The music sounded amazing, the set looked amazing, and the band was overall...amazing. Chris Martin, I was happy to discover, has a great sense of humor and that (much to be appreciated in famous or semi-famous people) ability to laugh at himself. He coughed loudly into the mic during "The Scientist", laughed it off with a quick joke and attempted to continue the song, only to be interrupted by Will Champion, the drummer, who informed him that the song sucked and he should start over. Maybe you had to be there, but it's those kinds of things that make me LOVE live shows. It's then that you not only get to hear the music you love live and see what the band looks like performing it, but you also get to see a little bit of them being who they are and that's worth every bit of the extra cash to see the show (and wait in line). Anyway...long story short because I can't rave on forever, but if you ever get a chance to see Coldplay in concert, GO. They sound amazing live and you'll love every minute. Plus, Chris Martin is a very energetic (and pretty) guy and he's lots of fun to watch. I thought he'd destroy his piano stool before the show was over with and he even came out into the audience at one point. They were also very gracious performers and actually seemed genuinely grateful to all of us for coming out to watch the show. No, really. I'd go see them again in a heartbeat.

Moving right along because I've got to head out, my family and I will have visitors over the next couple of days, thanks to hurricane Ophelia, which is currently churning in a very slow-moving, bored fashion off the coast of North/South Carolina and is headed our way. I can only say I hope to goodness that it'll all come to nothing, we'll be back to normal in a couple of days, and in the meantime, I'll get to hang out with my brother, Nathan, his girlfriend Caroline (who also came with us to Coldplay), and her brother....I don't know his name yet. Should be tons of fun. I'm supposed to "entertain" them tonight so go ahead and start feeling sorry for them.

Have a lovely day and remember: ...I don't know...make up something.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Have You All Got Milk Duds In Your Teeth???

Where the heck IS everybody?? Either you've all blipped off the face of NC (and surrounding areas) or you're just boring as pee. Or your fingers are which case, I hereby cut you some slack (by the way, what did you DO??). To all the rest of you able-fingered people out there, please leave me a comment and let me know that I'm not a forgotten looney who's resorted to amusing herself by typing to no one in particular. And to all you "anonymous" people who leave comments only to plug yourself or your own agenda (who shall hereby be referred to as Blog Comment Spammers), cut it out! Though it's nice to know that somebody's reading my posts (I'm delusional, yes, I know but let me flatter myself here), this blog is not a billboard. There, I've said it. And I feel better.
Moving along, I'd like to send a shout-out to my best bud Val who's hanging out in Denmark this month. I think she's all but decided to become unofficially Danish herself...apparently those Danish people rock quite a bit. And the government pays for EVERYTHING. I can't back that up but that's what I hear. So Val, I'm calling on you to leave a comment here and let everybody know how you're doing.
Not a whole lot going on in the Sloaniverse right now folks, other than tomorrow night's Coldplay concert, which I will be sure to fill you in on (with band member interviews) in the next couple of days. Until then, have a great weekend, keep the peace, and let me know you're out there!

Eat Mor Chikin.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

I Am the Walrus....Do I want to be the Walrus?

Everybody survive the weekend???
I did and now I find myself seated back in my office in Cary wearing my pink Chucks and snacking on halloween-colored M&M's from a milk bottle on my desk.

Oh! Random but I wanted to let you know...I've learned about an awesome website this morning called that serves to connect families victimized by Hurricane Katrina with churches who are willing to adopt/sponsor them. Ken Smith, Craig Tackett, and others from the various branches connected to the Caswell bubble have put this together and its great so check it out and see if your church can get involved.
Back in my Four Oaks bubble this weekend, I have to say that life was pretty good. Other than the absence of my favorite brotha' Nate-nate (Shark bait), I enjoyed spending every minute with my family, whom I love to pieces and who only got on my nerves one good time. I won't elaborate here. It seems that even I (yes, the mind reels) can be a bit difficult to live with at times so I'm just glad that they put up with me. Nothing wrong with me that a little driving and singing/yelling along with the stereo doesn't fix...gas prices and all. We all did a whole lot of not much of anything this weekend. We just hung out around home enjoying this awesome weather and my sister and I took the opportunity to experiment with this "exercise" that we keep hearing about. We hit the pavement for a whopping total of seven miles between sunday and monday and I have to say, I think the road and my feet could be friends. I've just got to get my lungs in on the action and we'll be all set.

My brother-in-law Craig and I have decided, along with my aforementioned brotha', that we are going to start our very own 80's cover-band. Yes, you heard it first here. Yours truely will be rocking out on guitar and backup vocals while Craig kicks it on bass and lead vocals. Nathan, from what I understand, will attempt rhythm on the drums. I'm not saying it'll be pretty but it'll be noise like nothing you've ever heard before. Keep an ear and an eye or two out for dates and locations coming soon to your area. David Bowie, The Human League, and Wang Chung won't know what hit them and I like to hope we will bring a tear to their eyes and leave them with the thought: "Those were the days!". Wish us luck. And talent.

On to bands that actually have a fan base:

I realize that it's only Tuesday and the first day of this week's "work week", but I'm already looking forward to this Saturday when my once again mentioned brotha', his giiiiirlfriend Caroline, my sister Elizabeth, and I will be heading up to Alltel Pavilion to see Coldplay in concert. I'm already so excited I can hardly stand it. Not the kind of excitment the likes of which preceeded U2 in concert, mind you, but great excitement nonetheless. I have every hope of seeing an amazing show and hearing all my favorite Coldplay songs under a rain-free, starry sky. Don't worry...details will follow. Interviews with band members will also be subsequently posted here on this blog. Keep those eyes peeled (the ones not watching for our 80's cover-band show times and locations).

Well folks, I've succeeded in boring myself and must therefore, as the British say, bugger off. As I head to the company kitchen in search of lunch, don't you forget to Wang Chung tonight.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Have You Had Your Skittles Today?

What is the world coming to?? Hurricane Katrina, devastation out the wazoo, 1000 deaths in Iraq yesterday (from what I hear on the radio), and (least of all, i must say) soaring gas prices have pretty much just made us jolt out of our happy little preoccupied-with-our-own-lives daze and wonder what in the world is going on out there. I have to admit, it's all a little overwhelming when I think about it and when I think about how we're all being affected and made to pay attention. Being someone who believes that God is in control of everything, I have found myself thinking about God in all of this over the past several days and I believe God wants us to do just that: sit up and pay attention, think about our lives, and realize how quickly our circumstances can change. God loves us. He wants nothing more than for us to love Him and to be happy. He also wants us to quit ignoring just how much He IS whether or not we "let" him into our lives. I just want everybody reading this to take a minute (or a few hours) to pray for the victims of Hurricane Katrina. We should also all pray about our own lives as well because, when it all comes down, God is our refuge. No matter what happens out there, He doesn't change. He's not affected. He loves us just as much as ever. He's going to take care of us.

All that being said, I hope you guys all have a great Labor Day weekend. Yes, even though gas is $3.19 a gallon and rising. Though I know not as many of us will be on the road as probably planned to be originally, use the opportunity to re-visit the ways you used to keep yourself amused at home as a kid (pre-driver's license): make your own play-doh. Write a story off the top of your head....or off the top of a desk. Bake cookies!! Write someone a letter. Then actually mail it. Make a tent out of a sheet and a few chairs. Sit under the tent with a friend or hostage sibling and tell ghost stories with a flashlight under your chin. Watch cartoons. Color (yes, i said color...its very therapeudic). Spread a blanket out or just lie in the grass with someone whose company you enjoy and pick out shapes in the clouds. It may sound hippie-dippy to you, but he possibilities are endless and i know you'll have fun. And just like when we were kids, don't worry so much. Just pray and trust that our Father is taking care of everything and we're going to be okay.

When rolling down a steep hill in a tire or a barrel this weekend, watch out for ditches and trees. Ouch.